Finish This: Week 4

I use my “green thumb” to . . . grow things? But I haven’t lately. The last thing I remember growing was Pete here, which was not much of a success. Flowers are lovely, though, and someday when I have land of my own I’ll grow things!

The secrets to life are . . . pretty simple. Love God and follow his will. Everything will work out the way it’s supposed to.

I get my money’s worth by . . . going for the generic stuff, using coupons, or just not spending money 🙂 College at it’s finest!

On the scale of 1 to 10, my level of organization is . . . probably about a 9 (when I want it to be of course). While I appreciate organization, you can always tell my level of sanity by looking at my bed/desk area though. It’s gotten REALLY bad a few times when I’ve gotten extremely stressed. So I guess you could say I’m intrinsically organized but aren’t always as much as I should. Though I do tend to be very organized with school, papers laying around, and my clothing. My closet is lovely right now. Oh, and the best time to organize? When I’m procrastinating of course!

A gentleman always . . . opens doors. No questions asked.

Handwritten notes are . . . almost better than chocolate. And that’s saying something. So I’ve heard about how people have different love languages and I have to say that I appreciate it when people take the time to do nice things without being asked. next best is written things. Online written things are fine, but man. Written letters are the bomb. I literally keep every card (and sometimes even sticky notes) people write because I love to look back on them. There’s just something about holding the same piece of paper someone else took the time to write on that I thoroughly enjoy.

And that’s a wrap! How would you finish these prompts?

10 thoughts on “Finish This: Week 4

  1. I love hand written notes too. I don’t keep sticky notes… but have kept notes from people that sound just like them (by the way they are written). Those notes are especially nice to come across after they are gone.


  2. And enjoying some chocolate while writing a note to a friend can’t be beat! I too love to write hand written notes. I don’t expect anything back (and rarely get a note back!) I just enjoy sending out a little hug!


  3. Pete is so cute! 😀
    Coupons are the best. My flatmate teases me for cutting them out, but it seriously de-stresses me AND there is savings at the end: this is a win-win in my book!
    Um, I keep every note too…like I have a bag of them in my closet…and they are hanging on my wall…I should admit that I have a problem, but I don’t, so I won’t 🙂


    1. Hahahahaha…I really like couponing (did you know Walmart has a whole couponing website?!?!) but I have to admit it gets tedious to me. I’ll go through the newspaper inserts but the online coupons feel like a whole different world to me. I do like watching extreme couponing.

      I have a box in my closet too! And that is definitely not a problem 😉


      1. I didn’t know about Walmart’s coupon website, but I’m with you – going online freaks me out. I just go through the Red Plum booklet thing that comes in the mail every few days..
        Extreme Couponing is both fascinating and frightening to me…what are they going to do with all that shaving cream!?!?!

        Oh good. If you don’t think it’s a problem, then I’m happily going to take your word for it and continue stuffing cards into my bag 🙂


        1. Seriously! Whenever I watch the show I’m thinking “what in the world are you going to do with 512 deodorants?!?!” It’s really neat when they donate to people though. But it definitely seems like a job in and of itself. Anyway, here’s the Walmart website:

          I never went to WM before college, and now go there because it’s the only thing in town. But I’ll take the savings! Yay for stuffing bags 🙂


  4. I found what was left of a loaf of bread in the pantry with mold growing on it, does that count for a green thumb?! Seriously, I have no talent. Completely agree with your gentleman trait, it’s a MUST. Thanks for joining the link-up, hope to see you back next Wednesday for another round. =)


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