Moving and shaking: Hello, 2015!

I’d like to think I’m a mover and shaker of sorts. Maybe because I’m stubborn and passionate about what I do. Maybe it’s because I really do want to do great things with all I’ve been given. Who knows. Making goals (and sharing them) has always helped me focus on what is most important, so I present to you . . .

My Master Plan for Greatness in 2015


This fall has seen great improvement in self-discipline and diligence. Now it seems important to continue those practices and challenge myself with new, specific goals for this year. Why? Because I’ve been gifted with the ability and grace to do some marvelous deed nobody else can accomplish. So have you. It’s our responsibility to respond to our call with gratitude and graciousness because after all, we hardly deserve everything we have access to in life.

This year I want to focus on revealing the greatness of God through the witness my life is to people around me. I want to be thoroughly done with anything that takes me away from greatness and run after whatever God has in store for me with reckless abandon. I want to live differently than the world in quiet but powerful defiance of the status quo society prescribes. In short, I want to work on becoming a saint.

A word that keeps coming up is “abandon”. I first saw this in action during my trip working with Mother Teresa’s sisters, and I am not kidding you. The word just keep coming up. You know how people choose a word for their theme each year? Last year I chose “peace”. And looking back, I can see how I have come to be at peace with whatever God has in store. Of course I have my moments. We all do. That’s what dance parties and adoration are for. But internally, I do feel an sense of unshakable peace.

This year “abandon” is the word. It’s not something that means a whole lot to pick, except that it’s been coming up a lot. So I feel like it’s time to work on getting rid of any pride I might have and allowing room for God’s plan – thus “abandoning” myself to his providence and timing.

We’ll see how that goes.

To kick off the year of abandonment, enjoy reading my somewhat ambitious hopes of future accomplishments.



  1. Make it a habit to read 30 minutes/day from books that will challenge and inspire.
  2. Finish at least 12 good books.
  3. Complete 1 solid hour of homework during the day (when needed) before starting less necessary activities.
  4. Write down events and meetings in my planner and check it in the morning so nothing is forgotten.
  5. Intentionally track and record income and spending. This includes making a budget, not splurging often, and planning trips to the store.
  6. Have accountability meetings weekly.


  1. Submit an average of 4 posts/month to Live Action News (about one/week).
  2. Post an average of at least one non-link-up article a week.
  3. Continue brainstorming book ideas.
  4. “Give people a reason for my hope” by exploring deeper topics in my writing.
  5. Share an update on goals at the beginning of each month.

Media Usage

  1. Allow myself to check emails up to 3 times/day.
  2. Allow myself to check Facebook 1 time/day.
  3. Remember to ask for prayer intentions every Sunday.
  4. Share inspiring quotes and positive news, not so much on negative stuff.
  5. Go one day each week completely technology free (unless homework requires it).


  1. Complete at least 2 5k’s.
  2. Get my 5k time under 30 minutes.
  3. Schedule time to work out 5 times/week.
  4. Research and consider participating in a triathalon.

Prayer/Spiritual Life

  1. Schedule 30 minutes/day for silent prayer or journaling.
  2. Read daily readings over breakfast each morning.
  3. Print examen to reflect on each evening.
  4. Say the litany of humility more often, and consciously work on putting others before myself.
  5. Spend at least 3 hours/week in adoration.
  6. Go to confession 1 time each month.

That’s a wrap. Who knows what this year will bring, but I have a feeling there are great things in store. Each month I’ll share where I am with you, and I’d love to hear about what your goals are for the year. I’m so excited to share this year with you!

If you have any suggestions or questions, fire away. May your year be filled with adventures and joy as God writes our stories. I look forward to being here more often to share my thoughts with you and create a conversation and community or sorts as we work on becoming the people God made us to be.

To Life,


P.S. Connect with me on FacebookTwitterPinterestBloglovin’ or by email.

5 thoughts on “Moving and shaking: Hello, 2015!

  1. Bwahah, Bek. Please accept my apologies if this post led you to believe I’m a runner. I found this last semester I enjoy it more (and it’s harder for me) than most of what I’d been doing, but I would never say I’m a runner. I think that probably takes a bit more natural ability than I’ve been graced with 😉

    I’m working on lots of exercise goals and have done a few 5k’s, so I definitely want that to be part of it! But I’d take zumba almost any day 😉 That’s so much fun! I also really enjoy kick boxing and step. I think it’s awesome that you’ve kept up with zumba!


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