Thank You.

Every time I hear about someone who follows my blog, I am blown away at what this has turned into. I’ve only been active in the pro-life movement for about a year and a half, but it already feels like forever. In that short time, so much had happened: jobs, blogging, and so much more. Just a couple years ago, I could never have imagined anything like this happening. For goodness sakes, five years ago I wanted to be a Broadway star. God sure had other plans 🙂

A funny thing about being in the pro-life movement in that you never, ever, know how many lives you have saved or touched. Whether you’re a faithful prayer warrior outside a clinic, a volunteer at a pro-life organization, or a leader of a big organization, you’ll never know. I can look at all the statistics from my blog, but I’ll never really know how many people read what I write. You guys inspire me every day to keep working harder in the pro-life movement.

I’ll never really know the impact of what trying to do God’s will has, but what I’ve already heard awes me. I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for caring. Thank you for being you.

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