7 Quick Takes – Vol. 46

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Well hello again! Life has been busy. I’m plugging along in classes, and am just getting into a groove after being gone for the march. My favorite class is Christian Moral Life. It’s hard, but I’ve made a conscious effort to put a lot into it. The weather has been crazy awesome around here too (for it being nearly February). Stay as long as you like, sunshine!

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Speaking of February, I’ve decided to be part of this blogging challenge.

Yes, it sounds ambitious šŸ™‚ Here are the prompts I’m looking forward to writing on!

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My computer is on the fritz right now. And this picture is most certainly an accurate depiction of how I’ve felt a couple times lately.

“Shutterstock” is there for dramatic effect, FYI šŸ™‚

Thankfully my family had an older functioning laptop at home that I brought back after Christmas, so there’s that as a back up. But I like my old one. And it has all my things on it. But I know it’s not going to last, so I’m planning on transferring my things onto an external hard drive this weekend. The main frustration I’ve been having is with the charging cord which simply refuses to charge it. One day I have to shove it against a wall and position it just right for it to charge. The next I have to sit with it balanced just right awkwardly on my legs. AND THEN I have to sneeze or move and it stops charging. FOREVAH. Or at least until I find the next awkward position. But good news! The cord (which I just got in August) has a 3 year warranty. So after I transfer things I’m planning to get the cord replaced and let’s hope that fixes things for the time being.

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This is a pretty powerful video. What do you think?

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Something I’d love to do: be trained in how to debate. Objections people raise are so easy to see through sometimes, but finding the right words can be hard. This clip was pretty interesting and I liked how Lila was trying to bring it back to the point in question: What are the unborn? I don’t know if it’s a good thing, but I have WAY too much fun coming up with answers for debating people like this. It’s a good thing I don’t post about it often, though, because the snarkiness can be a bit much šŸ™‚

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Isn’t this so sweet? I wish our society valued the elderly more.

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I have to say that I feel slightly accomplished because I FINALLY wrote an article for Live Action – for the first time since October. It feels oh so good to be back in that groove and there are many posts in the works. You know how people say you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone? It’s pretty true. I let writing for them slip by for a few months and now I’m so looking forward to continuing. It’s a lot of fun, and I learn so much by researching for each article. You can check out older ones here.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

2 thoughts on “7 Quick Takes – Vol. 46

  1. We had two days of glorious sunshine and it even smelled like spring! And then January’s reality came crashing back around us with rain. Sigh.
    YES! Gotcha for February! šŸ˜€
    Laptops are a double-edged sword, I think. Mine is juuuuust about to kick the bucket – thank God for Google Drive, Flickr, and external memory!


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