Looking back, pushing forward: Goodbye, 2014!

Ah, the end of the year – time to reflect on the past and look ahead!

2014 was a good year full of growing. I have learned so much, lived a lot, gotten to know some incredible people, and generally enjoyed becoming more fully who God created me to be. It’s too much to put into one post, so read on for a recap of sorts summarized in 12 of my favorite pictures from the year. Find more photo summaries over at Dwija’s!


I talked about why I marched for life, thanked difficult people, and challenged people with 10 ways to put our beliefs into action after marching.


Did you know it’s possible to toast bread using a hairdryer? Apparently it is. Because that’s what I did in February. I also participated in a blog everyday sort of challenge, apologized to feminists for missing out on the awesomeness of babies, gave you my laundry detergent recipe, and shared a lesson learned the hard way which starts with “Once upon a time I was in that blasted macroeconomics class . . .”


Excuse me for a moment if I become a Catholic fangirl talking about Mother Teresa, but I love her so much. Leading a mission trip serving the poor over spring break was an incredibly moving experience.


Springtime! I shared 5 things 21st century ladies need to hear, and reflected on why I have hope around Easter.


As sophomore year ended, I brought my teenage years to a close, shared what the year taught me, gave a shout out to graduating people, and celebrated the first wedding in my immediate family. It was a busy and joy-filled month!


This month found me berry picking with the family, working a lot, and talking about getting to heaven, adoration, and the “not everyone is beautiful” articles going around.


Summer at it’s finest, this month saw by far the highest traffic around these parts. I enjoyed family time (not pictured for privacy), and wrote about: girls who like boy things aren’t necessarily transgender, encountering the messy beauty of children, and why I’m Catholic.

P.S. Bonus picture of the last day of work!


This month saw the beginning of a new chapter: junior year! I talked about life lately including my trip to the D.C. area for training as part of the Wilberforce Leadership Fellowship, did some research on embryonic stem cell research, and got pretty honest about changing my approach.


College adventures continued with the Tsunami 1.0 of Elizabeth Hall which took place precisely in my shower when it decided to flood half our suite in a matter of minutes. I talked about how the time is now, and kicking September’s behind. It was a pretty epic month proving to myself what I am capable of.


I lost my voice for one day. Then I talked about conquering things by choice, and suffering.


Getting up early reminds me to put a spring in my step and smile because life is beautiful! This picture was after working out early in the morning, which I continued. I went on an adventure to Colorado for Thanksgiving and talked about the world losing something beautiful, and being a big ol’ bossy pants.



There are so many festive pictures from this month, but they will have to remain in your imagination and my computer because I’m not comfortable sharing family pictures here. Instead, take a look at what I wrote on sometimes failing, a quick hello, and the awesomeness of almighty God packed into an itty-bitty Jesus.

It’s time to put a wrap on 2014, and ring in the glory of another year of life we’ve been gifted with. It’s been a fabulous year, full of lots of things I’ve shared and not shared. This blog has been a place to share my thoughts and process things all while creating a community of sorts with you. And for that I am thankful.

Join me in ringing in the new year with some resolutions goals for greatness! I’m not a resolution person, but goals are an important way of checking where I am in life. So I’m creating a master plan for greatness in 2015. Check back soon for what I plan to do so we can challenge each other to rise to the occasion. And may your end of 2014 be filled with celebration of another year of a life well lived.

To Life,


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